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High School Camp Begins

Devon Shank

Today we welcomed our high school campers back for camp this year. It was great to see familiar faces and new ones here. We started camp with check in and making our leather name tags. We also spent time getting to know our cabin sides that will be our teams. The theme this week for activities is challenge week. This means that our teams will be earning points and prizes as they progress through different challenges.

After dinner we did staff introductions and talked about some basic camp rules. This led us into the first activity which was gold rush. Gold rush is a game where campers run around collecting gold and returning it to the bank. They do this while trying to dodge water attacks by the staff. If they get splashed they drop the loot and go to jail. The cabin with the most rocks earned group points in the overall competition.

When the game was over we moved to the camp fire for a traditional beginning of camp activity. We made smores and sang campfire songs. That is all for tonight. Stay tuned for all of the fun activities tomorrow.

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