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Middle School Discovery Day 2

Devon Shank

Good Evening All,

We had a wonderful and full day at camp. This morning our campers went and broke out into the activity groups they had selected and began learning the skills they intended to pick up this week. Our guitar group started the day with learning to string and tune the guitars they had brought to camp, then learned some chords with Matt. Photography ventured around camp starting to get some amazing shots, then planned out a photoshoot for tomorrow that you will be so excited to see. Our craft group started off with clay earrings, and introduced themselves to each other. Movie making went to the story board and started visioning the creative masterpiece that they would be making over this week. Fishing learned how to string a rod, and then practiced casting on land with weights. Finally, our outdoor survival group when out on a nature hike, and identified plants in field notebooks.

After lunch, we had chaplains program with our chaplain Matt, who is taking us through various parables this week in program. When program was done, we moved on to minor studies. The campers were able to choose between swimming, scooter soccer, and advanced board gaming.

The evening activity saw us playing a game of alien. Which is a fusion of man hunt, scavenger hunt, and counselor hunt. The campers had to find hidden pieces of ray beam to banish the alien copies of counselors and send them back home. Can't wait to tell you about tomorrow.

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